Senior's Facility

>WELCOME >Senior's Facility

Pastor Robert L. Walker, Sr., founder of New Image Community Baptist Church, had a vision of one day providing a residency building for senior citizens.  This vision came to fruition in 1984 after a joint venture was formed with the Greater Southeast Community Hospital Foundation (GSCHF).  Construction began on the facility after receipt of a $4,000,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


This facility was appropriately named after the founder of the church, "Robert L. Walker House".  It is designed for seniors over the age of 65 and located at 2201 Savannah Street SE.  If you are interested in more information on senior living at the Walker House, dial 202-678-5699.


In 1998, the New Image Community Baptist Church began having services every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the activity room of the Robert L. Walker House apartment building.  These services are provided for those seniors who find it difficult or impossible to get to their own places of worship.  We also provide Bible Study and Prayer Service every Wednesday at 12:00 noon.  For more information on services and bible study/prayer service, contact Elder Harvey E. Reedy, at 202-889-3067 ext. 103.